I think I should know! I play it for hours each week, each month, each year.

I have spent over 10,000 hours on the game. I was ranked #33 in the UK at QLRANKINGS back in 2010/11. I have played Quake III since 1999, and Quake Live since 2009. Post the match ID and the time here and I will post it on official forum for youĮdit: here is a useful link to a recent official forum post on the subjectĪn NO there ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ain't, son. How many "hackers" have you watched in replay and STILL BEEN 100% SURE THEY ARE HACKING? How many "hackers" have you reported to support? And there was never, ever a cheater problem in Quake Live.įunny b/c when you search "quake live" and "hacks" there are plenty of people who disagree with you about the number of hackers in QL. Far less resources and team members than Survarium is now. Quake Live was being run by a skeleton crew on an absolutely abysmal budget for 5 years before it moved to STEAM. Is Lazerhawk REALLY banned? Did LEKI never quit? And were those hackers I saw in my 3 games today just ILLUSIONS? This game is dripping in, infested with and bloated by hackers. And in the final game, enemy team had THREE hackers, all using ESP and aimbot and tracking my team through walls and pre-aiming from exits over 40m away. In the second game, enemy team had two hackers and my team also had hackers. And in the first game, enemy team had FOUR cheaters. Leki finally resorted to a 500+ word essay, with TIMESTAMPS, and detailed descriptions of how he cheats.Īnd just a few days later, I played vs Lazerhawk in two consecutive games, and he was hacking in both!

I read three reports for Lazerhawk (his OTHER cheating account, not the first one) by Leki, and numerous other reports for that same player. They don't ban ANYONE who gets reported on the forum. Post them on the FORUM? ROFL! I been there, done that. At least, while that system isnt perfect, has less issues than their so called "great" anti cheat system they have now. Such potential for a game but i will be uninstalling this game and never coming back until they get on the VAC system. However when you get into a match and 3-4 people on the other team is aim botting the ♥♥♥♥ out of people (shooting through smoke, all head shots, 180 degree snap spin to your head and mag dumping) is pure and simple pathetic and these devs are dragging ass on the anti cheat.
Wouldnt be an issue if it was truely a hand full of cheaters. It is pathetic they cant develope a better anti cheat system to were you hit this limit so quickly. I can not get into a match without someone snapping to my head with aimbot and i can only report a hand full of people per day which ends up being within 1-3 matches the limit has been reached. If your going to limit it, do it by match not by 24 hour periods. i can understand that logic but limiting it so low is pathetic. Originally posted by Pyr0:They don't want you reporting every single player like they do in csgo just cause your getting owned. A simple google search will pull up HUNDREDS or cheats for this game that are currently undetected but you devs claim only a "few" i guess the definition of "few" is subjective. This is rediculus of how saturated this game is with cheats, worst of all you have a LIMIT on how many times you can report people! seriously!? You devs had the bright idea of putting a daily limit on reports!? Well i guess your either stupid or just dont care of people are exploiting your game. Straffing and all head shots with semi auto across the maps, etc. People prefiring around the corners and all head shots, the famous reticle circle dance to make it look like they have recoil but they dont and all center mass or head shots. I have sad in one spot in bushes were will never see me, hell i cant even see out and someone snipes me from across the map. Every match i have gone into i have witnessed with the kill cam many hacks. You devs might want to revist your so called grand and perfect anti cheat system. I have seen the Devs boast about how great their anti cheat system is well i call complete and total BS on that.